TRAINING (2.4.1)

Starting with the origin of Switzerland's abundant water resources, the high amount of precipitation in the Alps, the web portal explains relevant hydrological, water management, social and environmental aspects of water.more

Image: thomasfuer, photocase.demore with new content

The portal has a new look: hydrological data and forecasts as well as flood alerts appear in a new design. The site has been completely revised and new content has been added.

Portal «Hydrologische Daten und Vorhersagen» des BAFU
Image: BAFU

The «Hydrological data and forecasts» portal of the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN appears in a new design. The site has been completely revised and supplemented with new content and functionalities. For example:

  • Water level forecasts for lakes
  • Additional data on oxygen, turbidity, etc. of watercourses
  • Trend information in the overview map of groundwater levels and a new overview map of groundwater temperature
  • Interactive annual trend graphs with the option of comparing the current year with selected earlier years and setting them against the norm period.
  • Sortable station lists

Some technical functionalities will be added in the coming weeks.


  • Flood
  • Groundwater
  • Hydrology
  • Hydrospheres
  • Lakes