Events, News, Publications
ForumAlpinum 2024 - Call for contributions
We are happy to invite you to submit your abstract of scientific paper presentation for the ForumAlpinum, addressing one or several of the topics listed or any other biodiversity/geodiversity related topic. Abstracts are accepted until 24th of November and should be max. 250 words long including title, a brief description of the theme and content, up to 5 keywords, and the name(s) of the author(s) with affiliation.
Image: Lena KropivšekCall for EFFS PhD Award 2021/2022
The European Federation for Freshwater Sciences (EFFS) is launching a new call of the EFFS Award for the best PhD Dissertation in Freshwater Sciences, which will recognize outstanding scientific and intellectual work in the field of Freshwater Sciences performed by Early Career Researchers in Europe.
Image: Edith OosenbrugSEFS 13, Symposium for european freshwater sciences
The Freshwater Biological Association is delighted to announce that the 13th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS13) will run as a live (in-person) conference from 18 – 23 June 2023. Following the amazing offerings of SEFS12 which was in an online-only format due to COVID-19, this is the first time in four years that the freshwater community will have the opportunity to meet in-person at a SEFS conference, and we can’t wait to welcome you to Newcastle, in the UK.
Image: Edith OosenbrugCall to join the 4th EFFS-EFYR Freshproject Phytoplastics
Plastics constitute suitable substrates for the colonization by microalgae and represent a new habitat for rafting organisms to the point that the term “plastisphere” was coined to define the diverse community growing on the surface of plastic debris. However, further research is needed to explore the microalge-plastic interactions and several questions remain to be addressed.
Image: Edith OosenbrugRegenwasser im Siedlungsraum
Mit dem Klimawandel werden Starkniederschläge intensiver und häufiger. Im Siedlungsgebiet, wo die Innenentwicklung vielerorts zu zusätzlicher Versiegelung führt, steigt deshalb das Überschwemmungsrisiko durch Oberflächenabfluss nach Starkregen. In der klimaangepassten und risikobasierten Siedlungsentwicklung wird die nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung der Ressource Regenwasser immer wichtiger. Das Schwammstadtkonzept, das auf Verdunstung, Versickerung, Retention, temporären Flutungen und Notwasserwegen beruht, ist ein integraler Lösungsansatz zur Vermeidung von Schäden durch Oberflächenabfluss und zur Verminderung der Hitzebelastung. Der vorliegende Bericht zeigt dazu Strategien und Massnahmen auf und illustriert sie mit zahlreichen Umsetzungsbeispielen.