TRAINING (2.4.1)

Many scientific disciplines deal with the temporal characteristics of nature. Detailed knowledge of the causes and consequences of the seasons is important in agriculture, weather and climate research, ecology, medicine and tourism. This web portal offers a lot of interesting information on this topic.more

Image: LaMantarraya, stock.adobe.commore

Experience Phenology

Do you find the seasons and the effects they have on the animal and plant world as fascinating as we do? There are many different ways to experience the seasons. We would like to give you some suggestions here...

Who's watching whom?
Who's watching whom?Image: Alan Manson

Bloom Rides

In spring you can go on "bloom rides" in many areas of Switzerland, for example, the sea of flowers in the Oberbasel region. Take a trip by convertible or bicycle from Sissach via Wintersingen, Rickenbach, Buus and Hemmiken in the Jura Mountains to Oltingen. From there, the tour continues on the plateaus to the Homburgertal, Diegtertal and Waldenburgertal.

Cherry Tree
Cherry TreeImage: Benjamin Gimmel
Image: 3268zauber (Wikimedia commons)

With the right plants in your garden you can determine the phenological seasons of the year for yourself.

Learn more about indicator plants...

KPS Phänologie-Tag Genf
Image: KPS

The Commission for Phenology and Seasonality KPS organises an annual Phenology Day for all interested parties.

You can inform yourself here...