TRAINING (2.4.1)

Animal experimentation: are we allowed to do that? In this thematic portal, researchers of the Swiss Laboratory Animal Science Association give answers to frequently asked questions.

Image: kwanchaift,

Are experimental methods without live animals cheaper?

Yes, studies on tissue or cell cultures are often less costly. However, it is important to remember that in vitro experiments using cell cultures may also use animal cells. The material for the cell cultures may come from a biopsy, from a slaughtered animal or from an animal killed for an in vitro experiment. If animals are used, the keeping, breeding and work with the animals must always be accounted for. The care of the animals and the training of the people who carry them out, as required by law, are reflected in the costs accordingly. Of course, this expense does not apply to research projects that do not involve any animal experiments. This is another reason why animal-free methods are used whenever possible.